Comitium is a limited liability company for business and management consulting

The main activity of Comitium is consulting in business management, with the accent on planning, implementation and business strategy management. In this respect the accent is on the usage of Balanced Scorecard methodology and tools, or strategy management systems. Comitium is trying to help businesses adapt their activities in order to keep up with rapid changes representing one of fundamental characteristics of today’s business world (nowadays only the ones that can rapidly and painlessly accept the changes survive).

Most of today’s organizations are unwilling to change and one of the main reasons is lack of systematically developed and implemented business strategies. Comitium has a mission to help those companies by using globally acknowledged and proven methodologies, such as Balanced Scorecard.

    Comitium builds its existence on the following unquestionable business foundations:

  • Professionalism and service quality – foundation for attracting and maintaining clients trust
  • Dedication – we are entirely committed to our client’s progress
  • Transparency and honesty – we do our best to give quality advice to our clients on how to best meet their needs, without blindly obeying their first wishes
  • Constant improvement – we continually invest in further development so that the quality of our service could exceed our clients" expectations.

Companies that have the correct operative strategy and are prepared to make sometimes difficult changes in order to improve their business are acknowledged as best-in-class. It is these that reach best practice status.

OUR MISSION: „Helping clients succeed”

OUR VISION: „To be an origin of excellence and knowledge in business management domain.”

Kuzminečka ulica 18, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
MB: 02195062
OIB: 75527058445
Account No: 2340009-1110263107 (Privredna banka Zagreb)
IBAN: HR59 2340 0091 1102 6310 7